Testing Services

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Testing services we provide

Geo-probe Service
A geo-probe service plays a crucial role in environmental assessment and remediation projects by providing valuable information about subsurface conditions and contaminant distributions.
Soil Sampling/Testing
Soil sampling involves collecting representative samples of soil from a site, while soil testing involves analyzing these samples to evaluate their physical, chemical, and biological properties.
Water Sampling/Testing
Water sampling and testing are crucial processes for assessing the quality of water resources, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and protecting human health and the environment.
Expert Testing on Environmental Issues
Expert testing on environmental issues involves the utilization of specialized knowledge, skills, and techniques to assess and address environmental challenges.
Phase I and Phase II Investigation
Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs) are commonly conducted as part of the due diligence process for real estate transactions, property development, or regulatory compliance.
Tank Test Failure Investigations
Tank test failure investigations involve assessing the causes and consequences of failures in storage tank systems used to store liquids such as petroleum products, chemicals, or hazardous wastes.
Underground Investigation
These investigations are often conducted to gather information about underground infrastructure, geological features, environmental conditions, or archaeological artifacts.
Groundwater Contamination Studies with Characterization and Delineation, Source Area Evaluations
Groundwater contamination studies involve identifying, characterizing, and delineating contaminated groundwater plumes, as well as evaluating potential sources of contamination.

Geo-probe Service

A geo-probe service typically refers to a specialized type of environmental drilling service that utilizes a piece of equipment called a geo-probe. Geo-probes are small, versatile drilling rigs designed for environmental and geotechnical investigations. They are commonly used to collect soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples for environmental assessment and remediation purposes. Here’s an overview of what a geo-probe service typically entails:

  1. Site Assessment: Before drilling begins, a thorough site assessment is conducted to determine the locations and depths at which soil, groundwater, or soil gas samples need to be collected. This assessment helps identify potential contamination sources, pathways, and impact zones.
  2. Drilling Operations: The geo-probe drilling rig is mobilized to the site, typically mounted on a truck or trailer for easy transport. The rig is equipped with specialized drilling tools and sampling equipment suitable for collecting samples in various soil and groundwater conditions.
  3. Sample Collection: The geo-probe is used to advance boreholes into the subsurface, typically to depths ranging from a few feet to several dozen feet. As the borehole is advanced, soil, groundwater, or soil gas samples are collected at predetermined intervals using specialized sampling tools such as soil probes, groundwater samplers, or soil vapor probes.
  4. Data Collection and Analysis: Samples collected during drilling operations are analyzed in a laboratory to determine the presence and concentration of contaminants, if any. The data obtained from these analyses are used to assess the environmental conditions at the site, evaluate potential risks to human health and the environment, and develop appropriate remediation strategies if necessary.
  5. Reporting and Compliance: The findings of the geo-probe investigation are documented in a detailed report, which typically includes information on drilling activities, sample collection procedures, laboratory analysis results, and recommendations for further action. This report may be submitted to regulatory agencies to demonstrate compliance with environmental regulations and standards.

Overall, geo-probe services play a crucial role in environmental assessment and remediation projects by providing valuable information about subsurface conditions and contaminant distributions, helping to guide decision-making and mitigate environmental risks.

Soil Sampling/Testing

Soil sampling and testing are essential components of environmental assessments, agricultural practices, construction projects, and various other applications. Soil sampling involves collecting representative samples of soil from a site, while soil testing involves analyzing these samples to evaluate their physical, chemical, and biological properties. Here’s an overview of soil sampling/testing:

  1. Sampling Design: Before soil sampling begins, a sampling plan or design is developed to ensure that samples are collected in a systematic and representative manner. Factors such as the size and shape of the site, the variability of soil properties, and the intended use of the data are considered when designing the sampling strategy.
  2. Sample Collection: Soil samples are collected using various sampling tools and techniques depending on the objectives of the investigation. Common methods include hand augering, soil coring, soil probing, or soil excavation. Samples are typically collected from multiple locations across the site and at various depths to capture the spatial variability of soil properties.
  3. Sample Preparation: Once collected, soil samples may undergo preparation steps such as air-drying, sieving, or homogenization to ensure they are representative and suitable for analysis. Any visible debris or organic material may also be removed from the samples before testing.
  4. Testing Methods: Soil testing can involve a wide range of analyses depending on the specific properties of interest. Common soil tests include physical tests, chemical tests and biological tests.
  5. Data Interpretation: Once testing is complete, the results are interpreted to assess soil quality, identify potential issues or constraints, and inform decision-making. Interpretation may involve comparing test results to established standards, guidelines, or reference values, as well as considering site-specific factors and objectives.
  6. Reporting and Recommendations: The findings of the soil testing are typically documented in a report, which may include details of the sampling methodology, test results, interpretations, and recommendations for any necessary actions or interventions. This information can be used to guide land use planning, agricultural practices, environmental remediation efforts, construction design, or other activities dependent on soil quality and characteristics.

Water Sampling/Testing

Water sampling and testing are crucial processes for assessing the quality of water resources, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and protecting human health and the environment. Water sampling involves collecting representative samples of water from various sources, while water testing involves analyzing these samples to evaluate their chemical, physical, and biological characteristics.

Like soil sampling, water sampling consists of the following steps: sampling design, sample collection, sample preservation & handling, testing, data interpretation, and reporting & recommendations.

Expert Testing on Environmental Issues

Expert testing on environmental issues involves the utilization of specialized knowledge, skills, and techniques to assess and address environmental challenges. This type of testing is typically conducted by professionals with expertise in environmental science, engineering, toxicology, or related fields. Here’s an overview of what expert testing on environmental issues may entail:

  1. Identifying Environmental Issues: The first step in expert testing is identifying and understanding the environmental issues or concerns at hand. This may involve conducting site assessments, reviewing available data and literature, and consulting with stakeholders to determine the nature and scope of the environmental problem.
  2. Developing Testing Protocols: Once the environmental issues are identified, experts develop testing protocols tailored to the specific characteristics of the problem. Testing protocols outline the methods, procedures, and criteria for collecting samples, conducting analyses, and interpreting results.
  3. Collecting Samples: Expert testing often involves collecting samples of environmental media such as air, water, soil, sediment, or biota from the affected area. Samples may be collected using standardized sampling techniques to ensure representativeness and accuracy.
  4. Conducting Laboratory Analyses: Environmental samples are analyzed in specialized laboratories using techniques appropriate for the parameters of interest. These analyses may include tests for chemical contaminants, biological indicators, physical properties, or other relevant characteristics.
  5. Interpreting Results: After laboratory analyses are completed, experts interpret the results to assess the nature and extent of environmental contamination or pollution. Interpretation may involve comparing test results to applicable regulatory standards, reference values, or background levels, as well as considering site-specific factors and potential sources of contamination.
  6. Providing Recommendations: Based on the findings of the testing, experts provide recommendations for addressing the environmental issues identified. Recommendations may include remediation or mitigation measures, regulatory compliance strategies, pollution prevention practices, or further investigation and monitoring efforts.
  7. Communicating Findings: Experts communicate their findings and recommendations to stakeholders, including clients, regulatory agencies, community members, and other interested parties. Effective communication of test results is essential for informing decision-making, building consensus, and taking appropriate action to address environmental concerns.

Overall, expert testing on environmental issues plays a critical role in understanding, managing, and mitigating the impacts of human activities on the environment, safeguarding public health, and promoting sustainable environmental stewardship.

Phase I and Phase II Investigation

Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs) are commonly conducted as part of the due diligence process for real estate transactions, property development, or regulatory compliance. They involve assessing the environmental conditions of a property to identify potential contamination or environmental liabilities.

The primary goal of a Phase I ESA is to identify potential environmental risks associated with a property by conducting a comprehensive review of historical records, site observations, and interviews with knowledgeable individuals. The findings of a Phase I ESA are used to evaluate potential environmental liabilities associated with a property, inform decision-making regarding property transactions or development, and determine the need for additional investigation or remediation measures (e.g., Phase II ESA).

The primary goal of a Phase II ESA is to further evaluate the presence and extent of contamination identified during the Phase I ESA through targeted sampling and testing of environmental media (e.g., soil, groundwater, surface water). The findings of a Phase II ESA are used to confirm the presence and extent of contamination identified during the Phase I ESA, assess potential risks to human health and the environment, and develop appropriate remediation or mitigation strategies. These findings may also be used to satisfy regulatory requirements for property transactions, land development, or environmental permitting.

Tank Test Failure Investigations

Tank test failure investigations involve assessing the causes and consequences of failures in storage tank systems used to store liquids such as petroleum products (e.g., gasoline, diesel, heating oil), chemicals, or hazardous wastes. These investigations are typically conducted when a tank test, such as a pressure test or a leak detection test, indicates that the tank system has failed to meet regulatory requirements or industry standards. Here’s an overview of tank test failure investigations:

  1. Identification of Failure: Tank test failures may be detected during routine testing, inspections, or regulatory compliance assessments. Common types of tank tests include: pressure tests and leak detection tests.
  2. Assessment of Causes: Once a tank test failure is identified, investigators work to determine the underlying causes of the failure. Potential causes may include: corrosion or deterioration, mechanical damage, installation deficiencies, operational factors, and improper handling of tank contents.
  3. Extent of Contamination: If the tank failure has resulted in a release of hazardous substances, investigators assess the extent of contamination in soil, groundwater, surface water, or air surrounding the tank system. This may involve collecting samples for laboratory analysis, conducting site assessments, and evaluating potential risks to human health and the environment.
  4. Remediation and Mitigation: Based on the findings of the investigation, appropriate remediation and mitigation measures are implemented to address the tank failure and any associated environmental impacts. Remediation may include: repairing or replacing the tank system, containment and cleanup of released contaminants, and restoration of affected ecosystems.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Throughout the investigation and remediation process, efforts are made to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, standards, and permits. This may involve coordinating with regulatory agencies, obtaining necessary permits, and documenting activities to demonstrate compliance with regulatory obligations.

Overall, tank test failure investigations are critical for identifying and addressing risks associated with storage tank systems, protecting human health and the environment, and ensuring regulatory compliance in the handling and storage of hazardous substances.

Underground Investigation

An underground investigation typically refers to a process of inspecting, assessing, or exploring subsurface conditions, structures, or utilities located beneath the ground surface. These investigations are often conducted to gather information about underground infrastructure, geological features, environmental conditions, or archaeological artifacts. Here’s an overview of different types of underground investigations:

  1. Utility Locating: Underground investigations are commonly performed to locate and map underground utilities such as water pipes, sewer lines, electrical cables, telecommunications cables, and gas pipelines. This is important for construction projects, excavation activities, or utility maintenance to avoid damaging existing infrastructure and ensure worker safety.
  2. Geotechnical Investigations: Geotechnical investigations involve assessing the physical properties and characteristics of soil, rock, and subsurface materials for engineering and construction purposes. This may include soil sampling, laboratory testing, and geophysical surveys to evaluate factors such as soil strength, stability, bearing capacity, and groundwater conditions.
  3. Environmental Site Assessments: Underground investigations may be conducted as part of environmental site assessments to evaluate potential contamination or pollution in soil and groundwater. This typically involves drilling boreholes, installing monitoring wells, and collecting samples for laboratory analysis to assess the presence and extent of contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, or hazardous chemicals.
  4. Archaeological Surveys: Underground investigations are also used in archaeology to explore and study buried artifacts, structures, or cultural remains. This may involve techniques such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), magnetometry, or excavation to identify archaeological sites, map subsurface features, and recover artifacts for analysis and interpretation.
  5. Tunneling and Mining: Underground investigations are essential for tunneling, mining, and underground construction projects to assess geological conditions, plan excavation methods, and ensure safety and stability underground. This may involve geological mapping, rock core sampling, and geotechnical testing to characterize rock formations, identify potential hazards, and design appropriate support systems.
  6. Infrastructure Assessment: Underground investigations may also be conducted to assess the condition and integrity of underground infrastructure such as tunnels, culverts, or foundations. This may include structural inspections, non-destructive testing, and monitoring to identify defects, deterioration, or signs of instability.

Overall, underground investigations play a crucial role in various fields, including engineering, construction, environmental science, archaeology, and urban planning, by providing valuable information about subsurface conditions and resources that is essential for decision-making, risk assessment, and project planning.

Groundwater Contamination Studies with Characterization and Delineation, Source Area Evaluations

Groundwater contamination studies with characterization and delineation, as well as source area evaluations, are essential components of environmental investigations aimed at assessing and managing groundwater pollution. These studies involve identifying, characterizing, and delineating contaminated groundwater plumes, as well as evaluating potential sources of contamination. Here’s an overview of each aspect:

1. Characterization and Delineation of Groundwater Contamination

  • Characterization: This involves understanding the nature and extent of groundwater contamination, including the types and concentrations of contaminants present, the distribution and movement of contaminant plumes, and the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer system.
  • Delineation: Delineation refers to mapping the boundaries and spatial extent of groundwater contamination plumes. This typically involves conducting groundwater sampling and analysis at multiple monitoring wells or sampling points to determine the concentrations of contaminants and the direction of groundwater flow.

2. Source Area Evaluations

  • Identification of Sources: Source area evaluations aim to identify the potential sources of groundwater contamination, which may include industrial facilities, underground storage tanks, landfills, chemical spills, or other point sources of pollution.
  • Forensic Analysis: Forensic techniques such as chemical fingerprinting, isotopic analysis, or age dating may be used to trace the origin of contaminants and determine their source pathways.
  • Risk Assessment: Source area evaluations also involve assessing the risks posed by contaminated source areas to human health, the environment, and groundwater quality. This may include evaluating the likelihood of further contaminant release, migration, and impact on receptors such as drinking water supplies or sensitive ecological receptors.

3. Remediation Planning and Implementation

  • Based on the findings of groundwater contamination studies and source area evaluations, remediation strategies are developed to mitigate risks, protect human health and the environment, and restore groundwater quality.
  • Remediation options may include containment measures, such as installation of groundwater extraction wells and barrier systems, as well as treatment technologies such as pump-and-treat systems, in situ chemical oxidation, bioremediation, or monitored natural attenuation.
  • The effectiveness of remediation efforts is monitored through continued groundwater sampling and analysis to track changes in contaminant concentrations over time and assess progress toward cleanup goals.

Overall, groundwater contamination studies with characterization and delineation, along with source area evaluations, are essential for understanding the extent and sources of groundwater pollution, guiding remediation efforts, and protecting valuable groundwater resources. These studies help to ensure the sustainable management and protection of groundwater supplies for drinking water, agricultural, industrial, and ecological purposes.

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